What is a Naturalized or Derived Citizen? Important Things You Need to Know

What is a Naturalized or Derived Citizen?

What is a Naturalized or Derived Citizen? A person who is legally a citizen of the United States and who was born there is referred to as a U.S. citizen. This person is granted social security, a passport, and the ability to vote.

Becoming a citizen can result from a few different situations, besides being born to two American citizens.

A naturalized citizen is someone who…

As the term implies, a person who has undergone the naturalization process but was not born in the United States or of US descent is referred to as a naturalized citizen.

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) mandates that you be a lawful permanent resident (LPR) before you apply, a status you may only obtain by meeting a specific set of eligibility requirements, given that the majority of applicants may be first-generation immigrants. Keep in mind that this is not the same as the possibility of achieving conditional permanent status.

You must fulfill an additional set of qualifying requirements—which may change depending on your circumstances—to become a citizen through naturalization. Typically, they anticipate the following from you:

  • At least eighteen years old while submitting an application
  • Lived in the state or district where they submitted their application for at least three months.
  • Lived in the United States for five years running, never taking more than a year off from home.
  • A well-respected individual with no criminal record who is willing to swear allegiance.

What is a Naturalized or Derived Citizen? Who is a Derived Citizen

A derived citizen is only an acquired citizen with a few minor differences. While derivative citizenship is awarded to those whose parents were naturalized citizens or who were adopted by Americans, acquired citizenship is granted to foreign-born people whose parents were born in the US.
Over the years, there have been many changes to the legislation pertaining to citizenship derivation through parents.
Consequently, the circumstances and qualifying standards vary for individuals born in various eras. But the fundamentals stay the same:

  • You must possess a Green Card and be a permanent resident; at least one of your parents, whether through birth or adoption, must be a citizen of the United States.

How does one go about applying to become a naturalized citizen?

Upon successful completion of the naturalization procedure, a permanent resident of the United States becomes an official citizen of the country. Regretfully, the process of applying for naturalization is not as simple as creating a bank account. This is what you need to do:

  • Check to see if you were born a citizen. Only if neither you nor your biological parents were born in the US do you need to go through this application process.
  • Examine the eligibility conditions listed above to determine if you fit the bill. Once you’ve filled out the application form, finding out you’re a few years under the age requirement might be devastating.
  • Gather the necessary paperwork and finish your Form N-400, Naturalization Application. By registering for a free account on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website, you can submit the form electronically. You can examine the processing times for your case after making the online filing fee payment.
  • You can receive an appointment notice for a biometrics exam from USCIS. Make sure you show up at the appointed spot on time to have your biometrics taken. You may be required to provide extra paperwork before the interview.
  • Following the completion of the biometric exam and document verification, USCIS will set up an interview time for you. Utilize the available resources to prepare for the test, and bring the appointment notice when you arrive at the location.
  • 120 days following the interview, you will receive a notice of decision outlining the outcome, which will include the approval, denial, or continuation of your Form N-400. Should your Form N-400 be approved, you will be required to take part in a ceremony for naturalization. Take the Oath of Allegiance and participate in the ceremony.

How does one go about applying to become a Derived Citizen?

Deriving or obtaining citizenship through your parents is an automatic process, in contrast to naturalized citizenship, which requires application and approval. To get a Certificate of Citizenship, which acts as proof of your US citizenship, you can, however, apply online using Form N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship.
To prepare and submit your Form N-600 via the USCIS website, follow these steps:

  1. Register online for a free account on the USCIS website. Among other things, you can monitor the status of your case, pay your filing fee, upload passport images, and get updates here.
  2. Fill out Form N-600 and send it in, making sure to include the required supporting documentation.
  3. If asked, give original copies of the documents you submit.
  4. If requested, show up for a USCIS biometrics exam.
  5. The ability to demonstrate your eligibility with appropriate proof and paperwork will decide the outcome of Form N-600. If so, you will receive a letter informing you of the decision.
  6. Remember that the Certificate of Citizenship merely certifies your position as a derived citizen; it does not confer citizenship upon you.

FAQs on What is a Naturalized or Derived Citizen:

Does a naturalized or derived citizen have a different legal status?

No. The same rules apply to naturalized or derived citizens as to those who were born in the US! No matter if you were born in the US, naturalized, or descended from someone who did, you have the same rights under the Constitution, even though the procedures for becoming a citizen are different for the two due to their unique circumstances.

What advantages over a permanent resident do naturalized or derived citizens have?

Among the many benefits that citizens have over permanent residents are the ability to vote, the protection against deportation, and the entitlement to state benefits. For this reason, even if you are a recent immigrant, you should think about becoming a citizen of the US.

Can individuals obtain citizenship by descent?

Indeed. A child can apply for proof of citizenship at any time in their lives, and they do not lose it when they are 18 years old.

In conclusion of What is a Naturalized or Derived Citizen:

there are numerous paths to US citizenship; nonetheless, for non-natives, the distinction between US citizenship by descent and naturalization is based on parentage and age. Children whose parents obtain naturalized citizenship when they do so, provided they have both legal and physical custody of them. However, to become naturalized, individuals who are above 18 or do not have legal citizens as parents must undergo the same examinations and swearing ceremonies.

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