Predeceased: Legal Definition and Meaning


Most people include younger friends and family members in their wills, hoping they will survive and inherit a portion of their assets. Sometimes, “predeceased beneficiaries” may die before the testator, who is the person who wrote the will.

It is crucial to consult with your estate counsel when creating and certifying your will, as this may complicate matters post-death. The text provides information on the distribution of a predeceased beneficiary’s portion of an estate if they die before the will’s creator.

predeceased, what is it?

To predecease someone is to pass away before them. Usually, the phrase refers to issues with contracts and wills. The term “predeceased” is introduced to establish conditions for the transfer of rights between individuals who pass away before another. He predeceased his firstborn son, for instance, when using this phrase.

A Predeceased Beneficiary: What Is It?

A predeceased beneficiary is a beneficiary in a will who dies before the person who made it. Unseen circumstances can cause anxiety and uncertainty for beneficiaries and surviving family members, especially if the will doesn’t explicitly address this possibility.

Preceded in Death’s Definition

The deceased’s life is the main subject of obituaries. It is customary to list close relatives near the end of the obituary. There will be a list of surviving relatives listed in the obituary.
Additionally, the obituary will mention that a few others “preceded in death” the deceased. “Preceded in death” describes kin who passed away before the deceased.

Before Death vs. Predeceased

“Preceded in death” and “predeceased” have the same meanings. You could say, and it would be quite accurate, that the subject of the obituary predated his parents.
Instead, the majority of individuals choose to say “preceded in death.” It sounds less clinical and more professional.

The Phrase “Preceded in Death” in a Funeral

The format of obituaries has been quite consistent for a long time. There are several advantages to this. For those writing their first obituary, adhering to established formatting requirements can be beneficial. It can help you navigate what can be a challenging and sensitive process.

However, you might also catch yourself referring to the departed using terminology or phrases that don’t feel accurate, such as “preceded in death.” Once you are aware of the lingo from the past, you can choose to employ it or modify the meaning to sound more intimate.

Methods for Pronouncing “Preceded in Death”:

The phrases “predeceased by” and “preceded in death” have the same meanings. Here are a few other ways to express the same concept:

  • Passed gone: “Passed away” is a common euphemism for death; it’s a good substitute if “preceded in death” seems too official. As an illustration, you may write, “Lee’s mother, Samantha, and her husband, Carlos, passed away prior to Lee’s death.”
    Family ties are a recurring theme in the obituaries of the deceased. Many people have, nevertheless, created families with relatives who are not biological.
    If a close buddy had blood relatives, you most likely wouldn’t list them under “preceded in death.” Saying “Previously departed loved ones included my dearest friend Gail Stevens” would be a better alternative.
  • Assembled in paradise or reunited beyond the veil: Many individuals find solace in the idea that we shall meet again in the hereafter with those we love. Changing the customary “preceded in death” language in the obituary is one way to convey this sentiment.
    Saying “Manuel will join his parents, Consuela and Hernando, in paradise” is one example of what you could say. In addition, he will meet up with his son Sebastian again, who departed to be with the Lord at a young age.
    This is a suitable substitute for someone with a strong religious conviction. A less common phrase for the afterlife is “beyond the veil,” which can also mean the deceased was reunited with other departed loved ones.
  • Ascended to eternal rest: Another way to put it is that the departed go to eternal rest with other loved ones. This means that your loved one is going to be blessed with tranquility and will be surrounded by loved ones who passed away before them.


What’s the term for when a couple passes away consecutively?

Scientists are unsure. The widowhood effect is the subject of several theories, although its exact explanation is unknown. One bereaved spouse may pass away shortly after the other for a number of reasons, including The psychological and physical costs of providing care

After your husband passes away, are you still married?

Most states do not annul a marriage after a partner’s death, but an annulment may be necessary if the marriage was unlawful and null at the time of formation.

When someone passes away, what happens to their bank account?

The bank transfers funds to the designated beneficiary upon the account holder’s passing, if they have designated someone as a beneficiary. The banking institution usually closes the account after that. Should the account owner fail to choose a beneficiary, the procedure may get more intricate.

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