How Much Does a Will Cost? Average Costs In The United States

How much does a will cost

Creating a comprehensive, all-inclusive estate plan is one of the wisest things you can do for your loved ones. And we feel that making your Will is so vital that the cost should never be an impediment. A will can range in cost from free to hundreds of dollars, so let’s look over your options together. We’ll go over the various will-writing choices available, as well as their pricing ranges, so you can select the one that works best for you, your family, and your budget.

How Much Does a Will Cost?

On average, it might cost anything from $0 to thousands of dollars to have your Will correctly completed. Your real cost will be determined by a variety of circumstances.

The size and intricacy of an estate are the two most important factors. How you complete your Will will also influence the cost.

When it comes to writing your Will, you have three primary options:

  • DIY
  • Making use of an online platform
  • The conventional (and most expensive) method of lawyer preparation

Do It Yourself Option

There is, of course, the normal Do-It-Yourself Will option. This may be a possibility for those with tiny estates and little assets. However, keep in mind that, while technically anyone can draught their own Will, there are numerous disadvantages and probable limitations to doing so.

Online templates that are free or very low-cost can be appealing. However, the hazards associated with it can be severe. Ultimately, estate planning is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Using a pre-formatted template that does not take your personal needs, ambitions, place of residence, or current situation into account could be problematic.

Advantages of a handwritten will:

  • A handwritten will is free of charge.
  • If you’re interested in learning about estate law, this could be a terrific opportunity.
  • If you prefer working with paper and ink, you might find this option useful.
  • A handwritten will does not require a witness.

Disadvantages of a handwritten will

  • It’s easy to make mistakes and overlook important things.
  • Difficult to update: because holographic wills cannot be typed, you must rewrite the will whenever something changes.
  • It takes a great amount of time and knowledge.
  • If your directions are unclear, they may be challenged.

Online Will Creator

You can also use an Online Will Maker, but keep in mind that not all Online Will Makers are created equal.

Costs vary amongst platforms, and the biggest danger here is selecting an online service that does not provide what some of the higher-end services do.

What is the cost of creating a will online?

Making online wills has grown increasingly popular in recent years, with charges ranging from nothing to around $300.

The cost of preparing a will varies based on the will-writing service, and you may even be able to acquire a will for free. Furthermore, some firms may charge a set fee for basic wills but charge more if you have certain difficult conditions (such as those stated above) or require additional legal documents and guidance.

Advantages of online will creator:

  • With a guided procedure and informative explanations, as well as expert support, you can avoid making mistakes.
  • Affordability: A will may be written online for under $100, and upfront packages ensure that you are not shocked by hidden fees.
  • Willful makes it simple to update because updates are included in the initial charge.
  • Make a will anywhere, at any time.

Disadvantages of online will creation

  • You may not appreciate utilizing an online will service if you require a high level of human support or prefer face-to-face connection.
  • If you have a large estate, you may not be able to capture the necessary amount of detail.

Using a Lawyer

People with big or complicated estates may believe that they need to engage a lawyer to adequately safeguard themselves and their loved ones. However, be aware that this option is not required and will undoubtedly cost you extra.

How much does it cost to have a will drafted by a lawyer?

You’ve probably heard that if you want a legally binding will, you should employ an attorney. That is the typical method of making a will. And there’s a reason it’s a classic. Attorneys are well-versed in their state’s estate laws and may provide you with competent counsel in your specific situation.

The disadvantage is that engaging an attorney is the most expensive option to create a will. The cost of paying for the attorney’s time and expertise might quickly pile up. But how much will it cost exactly?

The brief and unhelpful answer is, “It depends.”

We told you it wasn’t very helpful! But here’s something that might be useful:

We’ll look at the four elements that influence how much attorneys charge for wills, as well as the average cost of a will based on those considerations.

#1. Your Residence

Because some areas have higher living costs than others, experts must charge more for their services. An attorney in Los Angeles will cost significantly more than an attorney in Little Rock.

#2. The Attorney’s Level of Experience

Remember how we stated you pay an attorney for their knowledge? A seasoned attorney with 30 years of experience will charge far more than a rookie attorney who has just passed the bar. Hiring a younger attorney can help you save money. However, they will lack experience, which may be an issue if you have a large sum of money or property to distribute in your will.

#3. Your Estate’s Value

Having a large estate can affect the cost of your will. The more valuable your possessions are or the more money you have, the more your will cost. This is because the attorney will have to devote more time and effort to ensure that the will covers all of your assets. However, if you have a modest estate worth less than $1 million, you will normally pay less for a will.

#4. The Attorney’s Pricing Strategy

Attorneys charge varying fees depending on the type of service they provide. When it comes to wills, they will most likely charge a set price or an hourly fee.

Flat fees are advantageous since you know the cost of your will in advance. There is more unpredictability when you pay by the hour. If your will is basic and you keep on subject when you meet with the attorney, hourly rates may be less expensive.

However, if you waste time talking about matters unrelated to your will, or if your will becomes more intricate than you anticipated, that hourly cost can quickly mount up. So it is your responsibility to save money by being prepared and remaining focused.

The Average Cost of a Lawyer Drafted Will

For these four reasons, attorney-made will have a wide pricing range. However, the average flat charge for a basic will is under $300. If you have a larger, more complicated estate, you will pay a greater flat charge. Your cost could be $1,000 or more in that situation.

The cost of a will is more variable than hourly costs. The average hourly rate for an attorney ranges from $200 to $350 per hour, depending on where you live and the attorney’s experience.

Assume you require a simple will. Paying a skilled big-city lawyer by the hour will cost you between $300 and $400. A newer attorney or one who practices in a remote region will have a lower hourly rate—possibly even lower than the national average. So you’re looking at a price range of $150 to $250. Those are significant discounts!

Those savings, however, are not assured. A less skilled attorney may take longer to create the will, increasing the cost. If you choose an attorney who works a long distance away, you must account for the time you’ll spend driving to their office and taking time off work to meet with them.

If your will takes longer to draft or your fortune is so large that you require a living trust, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $1,500. Again, the price varies depending on the parameters we just discussed.

So do some comparison shopping. Most attorneys provide a free consultation, which is an excellent opportunity to interview them and ensure that they are a good fit. Inquire with at least three attorneys about their expertise with wills similar to yours, and obtain estimates to determine who provides the best value.

Advantages of working with a lawyer to draft a will:

  • A lawyer can assist you in navigating a difficult estate or set of instructions.
  • A lawyer may be able to employ novel methods to cut probate fees and taxes. If this is your goal, expect to engage with a team of tax professionals (such as accountants) and to spend more than the lawyer’s cost alone.

Cons of drafting a will with a lawyer:

  • Extra expenditures are usually linked with key components of estate preparation, such as appointing a power of attorney representative.
  • Hourly rates may exceed initial estimates.
  • If you’re on a tight budget, you might not have as much time as you’d like with the lawyer, and they might not have as much time to ask you as many questions as they should.
  • If you decide to alter your will, you will almost certainly have to pay a higher fee to speak with a lawyer again.

Why Is a Will Worth the Cost?

For most people, the single most important reason having a will is worth the cost is peace of mind. A will is the only way to ensure that your assets and possessions benefit your loved ones, cause you to care about them, and that your children are cared for if you are a parent.

When you die without a will, you are said to have died intestate, which means you have no say over who inherits your estate. The government will be in charge of dispersing your assets to family and next of kin, which may be a difficult, time-consuming, and expensive procedure for families.

Other serious disadvantages of dying without a will include:

  • A common-law spouse may be denied the right to a portion of the estate.
  • If you have dependent children and there is no living parent, the court will appoint a guardian for them.
  • The consequences of dying without a will vary in each province of Canada, as discussed in this article.

What Are the Consequences of Not Making a Will?

When you die without a will, you leave your family with costs that considerably outweigh the cost of a will in the first place. Worse, dying without a will undoubtedly cause family stress, upheaval, and strife.

In the absence of precise instructions, your assets may end up in the hands of the wrong individuals. In addition, if your loved ones wish to make a claim against the estate or contest the court’s findings, they will have to pay considerable legal fees out of pocket.

Furthermore, dying intestate implies paying greater estate administration taxes and leaving less to your loved ones. Your entire estate will have to go through probate, which involves a 1.5 percent tax on the total worth of your estate. There are also legal fees to consider when asking for probate, which might reach $5,000.

Other disadvantages include the inability to leave charitable gifts without a will, and if you are a parent, your children may be assigned to the wrong guardian.


Having a will in place is the only way to ensure that your wishes are carried out after you die. You have the option of creating a cheap will, which will save your family from unnecessary worry and money after your death.

When you make a will without the assistance of a lawyer, it must meet all of the requirements for a valid will in your state. Even a minor error could allow someone to contest your will, causing probate to take longer and costing your beneficiaries and loved ones more money in court and legal fees. (Contesting a will can be expensive.)

If you use a digital service to prepare your will, make sure it has been reviewed by real solicitors to confirm its accuracy and legitimacy.

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