Can another State Suspend your license?

Suspend your license

In the US, there are several grounds that may warrant a state to suspend or revoke a driver’s license. Due to speeding citations or for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a person may risk suspension or revocation. Meaning another state can suspend your license. Meanwhile, you can reinstate your suspended license in a different state

Leaving the scene of an incident or attacking another driver could result in suspension or revocation.

Making it difficult to work and interact with others. 

Preparing for suspension or revocation is challenging because it might happen months after the first occurrence.

You can even find yourself in a different state. Then, what happens? Things can easily become muddled.

Continue reading if you’re unsure if another state can suspend your license.

The National Driver Register will notify your home state of the out-of-state offense.

If you are guilty of a traffic offense that results in a driver’s license suspension there are chances your driving privileges will be taken away.

Can another state suspend your driver’s license?

Briefly, yes. 

Traffic regulations differ from state to state, but if you violate a rule of the road seriously enough to result in the suspension of your driver’s license in a state other than the one in which you currently reside. Your home state would likely have done the same if you had committed the same offense there. 

Instances include convictions for DUI/DWI or dangerous driving, which will result in a term of license suspension regardless of where you reside. 

Although, every out-of-state driver’s license suspension has a unique set of circumstances. Until your infraction is resolved in the state it happened, you will not reclaim your license.

The state that first suspended your license will probably need you to make at least one court appearance.

In addition to paying a reinstatement fee in your home state, it always comes with hefty penalties when another state suspends your license. With a suspended license, there is also a strong probability that your auto insurance premiums will increase.

The License Compact for Drivers 

It is also important to understand that your home state will be notified of your out-of-state license suspension.

States consult one another on traffic infractions committed by visitors. 

Through the Interstate Drivers’ License Compact (IDLC), they can exchange this information among themselves. With a few exceptions, the majority of US states are IDLC members.

You are still responsible for any license suspensions that occur at home, even though only a few states are parties to this interstate agreement. 

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in your home state will mail you a suspension letter after receiving notification of the change in your license status from the NDR. 

If you don’t pay your child support, another state may also suspend your driver’s license. 

Exceptions to a License Suspension in a different state

An administrative license suspension rarely has exceptions.

Complying with the requirements, such as providing evidence of auto insurance or paying a past-due traffic ticket, will get your license reinstated. 

A limited license, commonly referred to as a hardship license, is another possibility. If you had a limited license, you could only drive in a few defined situations, such as to and from work, to pick up and drop off your kids at school, or to get regular medical care. 

The court will decide whether to grant you these unique driving rights. 

You generally won’t be eligible for a limited license if you have had several DUIs.

Steps to Take to Avoid Suspension of License

Once you have taken the major step of relocating out of state, you will probably want to get back behind the wheel and start your new life.

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to prevent the suspension of your driver’s license. 

Before the suspension or revocation, you most certainly had the chance to provide your defense to the accusations. 

There is now no way to contest the charge that led to the suspension or revocation of your license, with very few exceptions.

  • You must carefully review the prior state’s license suspension or revocation notification. There must be a timetable and guidelines for reactivating your license.
  • Depending on the seriousness of the charges, reinstatement requirements may apply. Usually, it involves a period of total prohibition from driving, followed by the payment of a fee to have your license back. 
  • In some circumstances, you might need to retake the driver’s license exam and demonstrate your competency. 
  • If your license is suspended due to a DUI, take a drug addiction course.
  • Using this technology, you must blow into a breathalyzer to start your car’s engine.
  • When facing suspension or revocation, the most crucial thing you can do is respect the law. Getting behind the wheel of an automobile when your license is on suspension is illegal. You risk having a  sentence extension and maybe going to jail.
  • In rare circumstances, you might be able to get a hardship license. You can drive to work, school, or other destinations with a hardship driver’s license. Your initial letter from the state should offer precise guidelines on how to apply for a limited license.

How to Reinstate Your Suspended License in a Different State

To transfer your license to your new state after fulfilling these conditions, you must reinstate it in the original state.

If you have a suspended license, you may feel inclined to leave the state and obtain a new license somewhere else because dealing with one is no easy task and may be quite challenging. A license suspension will, unfortunately, generally follow you from state to state.

What do you do when they suspend your license in a different state?

You must take the following steps to get your suspended driver’s license back in another state:

Fulfill the conditions for your license suspension in your former state.

The state that suspended your driving privileges must first satisfy all requirements relating to your license suspension. 

These requirements may vary depending on the state and the nature of the infractions, but they frequently entail a period of a complete driving ban followed by payment of a reinstatement fee to restore privileges.

Some situations—like if your license was revoked due to driving while intoxicated (DUI)—may call for you to complete a defensive driving course or a program on drug misuse, submit an SR-22, pass a driver’s license test, or even install an ignition interlock device in your car.

Renew your driver’s license in your previous state.

 Make an appointment with a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office in your state to get your driver’s license reinstated.

The specifics vary from state to state. In general, you must pay a reinstatement fee and reapply for your license. You must also pass any exams that may be given to you, such as a driving skills test, as part of the reinstatement procedure.

Transfer your license to your new state at the DMV.

Now that you have a legal license, you must transfer it to your new state by going to a DMV office there. 

You will need to present your identification, address, and out-of-state license as proof of these things, which they will take and exchange for your new license.


Infractions such as speeding tickets, driving while drunk, fleeing the scene of an accident, and assaulting another motorist are among the many reasons that the US provides for suspending or revoking a driver’s license. 

i hope your question “can another state suspend your driver’s license?” has been answered.

Also, read the following:

Can You Go to Jail For Not Paying Child Support?

Can You Buy A Car Without A License: Best Easy Guide.


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