Mir Apparel

Title: PRL USA HOLDINGS, INC., Plaintiff, v. MIR APPAREL, LLC, et al., Defendants.

Court: United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia

Case Number:21-cv-01936-SDG

Date: Sep 28, 2023


This case is before the Court on cross-motions for summary judgment. After careful consideration of the record and with the benefit of oral argument, Plaintiff’s motion [ECF 49] is GRANTED as to Khaled Mir and DENIED as to Mir Apparel. Defendants’ motion [ECF 52] is DENIED in its entirety.



Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment [ECF 49] is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. The Court GRANTS Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment as to Khaled Mir. However, because the Court finds that there is a dispute of material fact as to whether Mir Apparel used the Ralph Lauren marks in commerce, Plaintiff’s motion is DENIED as to Mir Apparel. Defendants’ motion for summary judgment [ECF 52] is DENIED in its entirety.

The parties are ordered to file a joint proposed Pretrial Order within 30 days of this Order. The proposed Pretrial Order shall indicate, among other things, whether the trial will include resolving Plaintiff’s damages claim against Khaled Mir, in addition to liability and damages against Mir Apparel. Simultaneously with the filing of their proposed Pretrial Order, counsel shall also file any updated leaves of absence, to include necessary leave dates for the parties and corporate representatives. Trial will be set thereafter without further notice.


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