Can you move out at 17? A Legal Guide for Parents and Minors

Can You Move Out at 17

You may feel like an adult at the age of 17. You may have finished high school, have a career, and even have children, but can you move at the age of 17?
Most 17-year-olds have the resources to move out, but it is not lawful to do so until they are emancipated. Your parents or legal guardians are still responsible for you at the age of 17 and must pay your expenses and provide you with housing.

Emancipation at 17: Can You Move Out?

Emancipation is the only legal route for a 17-year-old to move out of a home. We will present a concise emancipation guide for youngsters and parents who are wondering, “Can you move out at 17?”

To be eligible for emancipation, you must meet the following criteria:

Requirements for Emancipation

The legal age. Each state has a statute stating how old a child must be to be emancipated. The statutory age in most states is 16, but it might be as young as 14.

#1. Level of maturity

A judge must normally determine the youngster has adequate adult-like maturity to be on his or her own for it to be legal to move out at 17 (or 16 for that matter), the emancipation of a minor.

#2. Financial security.

In general, children must demonstrate their ability to support themselves in order to be emancipated. As a result, minor emancipation is frequently connected with child celebrities who want to keep greedy relatives away from their money.

#3. Parents/guardians should be aware.

A child’s legal guardians must be given the opportunity to reply to and possibly oppose the emancipation request.

#4. Automatic emancipation

In some states, a minor’s emancipation is automatic upon legal marriage or joining the military forces.

During the emancipation procedure, the minor must serve notice of their emancipation application on their parents or legal guardians in order for them to reply. The case may be heard in court, where both sides can give their arguments for and against emancipation. If the 17-year-old is married or in the military, they may be automatically emancipated in various jurisdictions.

The Benefits of Emancipation

Most people who inquire, “Can you move out at 17?” do not want to go through the arduous process of emancipation. While you are practically an adult, it may appear that being financially and legally accountable for oneself is too much. For people in extreme family dynamics, however, freedom has numerous advantages. If your family is abusive or controlling, you may benefit from freedom. It gives you the ability to consent while signing legal documents and separates your finances from the legal guardians. This is why it is common to read about child stars gaining emancipation while still in their teens. They can then engage in contracts as they like, rather than being forced to accept gigs that their parents prefer. They can also manage their money and prevent their parents or legal guardians from wasting it.

It is crucial to understand that while you can move out at 17 if you get emancipated, you will still be unable to vote or legally consume alcohol until you reach the minimum legal drinking age.

What Isn’t Emancipation?

A youngster who leaves home. It’s not legal to move out at 17, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen all the time. Simply because a child has moved out and is living under someone else’s roof does not imply that he or she is emancipated. Even if another adult verbally agrees to care for the minor, parents and guardians are nonetheless legally accountable for such a child’s essential expenses.

What you can’t do as an Emancipated Person

Even if you are of legal age, or if no one has parental rights over you, there are some activities you cannot do until you reach the age of 18. As an example:

  • Purchase, refinance, or sell real estate.
  • Possess valuable stuff such as jewelry.
  • Accept or seek the split of an inheritance.
  • Assume the role of a third-party guardian.

How Should Emancipation Be Handled?

Being self-sufficient has its drawbacks. Many people are unable to do so before the age of 30—imagine being a teenager. However, if you are younger and more driven, we encourage you to follow your aspirations. Now comes the difficult part: speaking with your parents. To assist you, we’ve put together a quick guide to ensure your success.

#1. Demonstrate to your parents that you are prepared.

You must demonstrate the maturity to your parents before leaving the house. Get a job, clean, cook for everyone, save money, and figure out what you’re worth.

#2. Gain their confidence.

The greatest method to get your parents on your side is to earn their trust. Make them feel as if they know their child well enough to put their faith in them. Avoid or resolve problems peacefully. Assist them with everything they require. Please don’t cause them any concern. Open up to them and have fun with them.

#3. Make a strategy.

Leaving the house is not the same as going for a walk. It would be beneficial if you had a well-thought-out long and short-term strategy. Conduct all essential budget, rent, supply, and employment research. If you want to persuade people, you must appear sensible and have a sound plan.

#4. Speak with them

It’s time to have the chat now that you’ve paved the way. Bring them together when they are quiet and ready to listen. Begin by telling them that you are in charge and that you have done everything possible to prepare. Please show them your plan, budget, and money saved, and explain why you want to be self-employed honestly and calmly.

#5. Don’t expect to be accepted the first time you apply.

They will bombard you with inquiries. become enraged or reject the notion Take your time. You must comprehend that you are their child, which is made more difficult by your age. Maintain your cool and allow them some space to consider.

If you have a problem at home, you should talk to another adult or even the police.

As a minor, how can I live on my own?

Governments provide numerous grants to young people as young as 16 to help them become self-employed in other nations.

Here are some pointers:

#1. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Your income will almost certainly not be rocket-launching. We all want to live in great neighborhoods with nice apartments, but you can’t. Make your research as cost-effective as possible.

#2. Rent an apartment together.

It’s a little ridiculous to leave your parents’ house and live with someone else. However, renting a room is far less expensive than renting an entire apartment. Because all expenditures are shared, you may be able to afford to live in a better place, and the rent itself is not too high—the more people you have with you, the cheaper it is.

What jobs are available to me as a minor?

First and foremost, we urge that you sign up for the job center. It is quite simple. Inform the nearest employment office about your circumstances. Here is a list of jobs you can undertake while seeking a permanent position:

#1. Fill out online surveys

The salary is determined by the firm conducting the survey. It is usually not a large sum of money. You may, however, do it from your cell phone for free.

#2. Participate in social networking

You can record your empowering experience and share it on social media platforms such as YouTube. Make multiple videos, similar to episodes, about what you’ve gone through. You’ll generate money through advertising and brand collaborations.

#3. Seasonal workers

Customers flock to stores around the holidays, summer, and sales. As a result, businesses require additional personnel.

#4. Sell anything you don’t use.

You must have clothes, books, toys, and other items that are barely taking up room. They can be sold to others.

#5. Sell your handmade items.

If you have a talent for painting, consider selling your designs, stickers, badges, or inventions. Sell jewelry if that’s your thing. The possibilities are limitless.

#6. Look after others

You could babysit or look after the elderly. Begin by interviewing your neighbors or acquaintances and then post an ad online.

#7. Provide private instruction

Be a private tutor if you are fluent in a foreign language, math, or know how to play an instrument.


Every decision concerning migrating should be carefully considered by young people. Everyone is the owner of their own destiny, but the nicest part about this process is that your parents can legally accompany you to move out at 17. One of the finest remedies to young people’s thirst for independence is a decree of emancipation by agreement.

So, we hope you will read this post again and see all of the benefits of liberation. Parents should follow their children through each of these steps. Many young individuals who reach the age of majority want to be self-sufficient. This is not a terrible trait if they have their parents’ support and the correct circumstances.

This decision necessitates much thought as well as acceptance of the position of youth guardian during their development. You must respect each young person’s legal rights while also guiding them in the greatest way to be self-sufficient.

Can You Move Out at 17 FAQs

Can my parents make me stay at home at the age of 17?

Yes, unless you apply to the cases mentioned at the beginning of the article. They have care of you, thus you must wait until you reach the age of majority to be emancipated. Child safety is a critical problem that no young person should overlook.

If I leave at the age of 17, can my parents call the cops?

Yes, they can because you are an adolescent and they are responsible for your safety. Keep in mind, however, that emancipation can be conferred with parental consent. You must apply for it in order to receive the legal benefit. Remember that in the United Kingdom, this begins at the age of 16. However, for further information, see your local laws.

Can you go to jail for running away at the age of 17?

As a precaution, your parents may request that you be detained by the police. However, each of these instances will be determined by the country in which you reside. Depending on where you live, the laws regard you very differently. That is why it is critical to have open lines of communication with your parents.

Is a parent accountable for their 17-year-old child?

Custody is your parents’ duty unless there is an emancipation order. When it comes to your safety, they are your caregivers. So, until the age of 18, your parents are the ones most accountable for your well-being.

What should you do if your 17-year-old does not return home?

The first step is to make every effort to communicate with the young person. If you are unable to contact the young people, you should alert the authorities. This is critical since parents are in charge of their children’s care when they reach the age of majority.

Is it usual to move at the age of 17?

Yes, that is a perfectly normal procedure. Some young individuals like to be self-sufficient from an early age. They should assist their children in making the best decision possible. Family and communication are critical components to consider. Your legal guardianship is held by your parents. Your parents play an important role in your life, from the time you are in school to the time you are looking for answers in your life.

When can I kick my adolescent out?

Remember that there are various legal conditions for emancipation. If you do not have the decree of more and passion in your hands, you can evict the youngster at the age of 18. It would be a criminal in any country to do it previously. It is vital to avoid any problems while also avoiding the boy accessing services rather than social housing.

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