Attornment: What You Need to Know


In ancient English law and feudalism, a lord granted or transferred his tenant’s services to a grantee of his seigniory.

A person who possesses a leasehold interest in property or an estate for a certain amount of time may agree to become a tenant of a stranger who has obtained the fee, remainder, or reversion of the land, or the right to the rent or services that the tenant retains, by acting as an attractor.

Foster v. Morris, 3 A. K. Marsh. (Ky.) 610, 13 Am. Dec. 205; Willis v. Moore, 59 Tex. 630, 40 Am. Rep. 2S4; Lindley v. Dakiu, 13 Ind. 388.

Attornment: What Is It?

Attornment gives authority or jurisdiction to a person, even though no legal rights exist. It relates mostly to real estate transactions and can happen when a tenant recognizes a new property owner as their new landlord.

An Attornment Agreement: What Is It?

An attornment agreement is a legal document that transfers the obligations of the previous owner of a rental property to the new owner. The agreement specifies each party’s identity, the date of the transfer, and any further actions that must be completed for the agreement to continue to be enforceable after the changeover.

Tenants are required to sign a document committing them to stay at the rental property even after the ownership changes.
The smooth transfer of responsibilities from a current property owner to a new one is the aim of the attornment agreement.

Understanding the Attornment Agreement:

Attestation is mostly related to real estate legislation and serves as a means of recognizing the parties’ relationship in a transaction. A tenant may experience attornment, for instance, if the apartment’s owner changes while the lease is in effect.

Unless the tenant signs the attornment agreement, the owner does not acquire any additional rights. If a tenant declines to sign, the landlord could be able to use that as justification for eviction.

According to the terms of an SNDA, in the event of a change in ownership, the new owner takes over the former owner’s rights and obligations under the lease and replaces them. Furthermore, the tenants are required to pay rent under this condition, regardless of who owns the building.

Attornment in Business Leasing

A standard commercial lease will include an SNDA. An agreement outlining the precise rights of the landlord and renter is in this document. Additionally, the SNDA may offer details about other parties, such as the buyer of the property or the landlord’s lender. Three components are present:

  • Clause of subordination (S)
  • Clauses against disruption (ND) and
  • attachment (A)

A business lease has a similar attachment. Whether the new owner purchased the property through a regular sale or a foreclosure, the tenant is required by the attornment clause in an SNDA to acknowledge the new owner as its landlord. For the balance of the lease period, the tenant is also required by the clause to keep paying rent to the new landlord.

Under an SNDA’s subordination clause, the renter consents to having a third-party lender’s interests take precedence over their interest in the property. After signing a lease with a tenant, the landlord may desire to use the commercial property to obtain financing.

Tenants would therefore typically be required by most lenders to cede their leasehold interests to the lender’s mortgage interest. In the event of commercial foreclosure, the subordination clause grants the third-party lender the right to stop the lease.

Tenants who do not default on their rent have the right to remain in the leased premises under a non-disturbance clause or agreement. Even after a sale or foreclosure, the renter is still able to rent the space. Even if the landlord defaults on the mortgage and the property is foreclosed upon, the non-disturbance clause preserves the tenant’s rights to occupy the space.


In a contract, what does Attorn mean?

The act of giving jurisdiction or power to a party notwithstanding the absence of legal rights is known as attestation. It primarily relates to real estate transactions and can happen when a tenant recognizes a new property owner as their new landlord.

In law, what is an averment?

a factual statement or affirmation, particularly one that is positive and made in a court pleading.

In law, what does factum mean?

The written argument that judges in appellate courts receive before hearing the attorneys present their case is known as a factum. The judges perused each party’s factum as well as the cases or laws cited therein.

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