Zoning code: types, classification, and reviews

zoning code list

Municipal zoning code regulations have a significant influence on the form of cities and, consequently, on how people live in them while being unseen on the ground and opaque on paper just by using zoning codes.

At this time, the public is scrutinizing these obscure restrictions to a never-before-seen degree. Several cities and governments desire to loosen zoning regulations after adopting them for many years to facilitate home construction and foster more ecologically friendly neighborhoods.

So, let us get down to business and discuss what the zoning code is all about. In this article, we shall get to know how zoning code works, its types, classification, among others.

What is zoning? 

Zoning refers to the municipal code or local regulations and requirements that control how the land can or cannot be built and what use of land the created area can serve.

Furthermore, Municipalities develop zoning restrictions and classifications that limit what kinds of properties can coexist in a specific region to ensure the community’s health and public safety.

Also, when making zoning decisions, the commission frequently considers the city’s master plan, which is a detailed document outlining a municipality’s current and future needs and aspirations.

Zoning and land use can be challenging to navigate. Land developers conducting business everywhere must understand local zoning rules. This is because zoning laws determines usage of a parcel of land and might change from city to city.

Who controls the zoning code?

Because there is no federal zoning agency, where you reside almost entirely determines who governs zoning in your area.

In certain circumstances, it is controlled at the county level, while in others, it is governed at the municipal level. Sometimes, a zoning office and occasionally a land use office decides issues of zoning.

Can Zoning Code Laws Stop Me From Building on My Property?

Yes. You may own the land on which you want to build, but you must still follow zoning restrictions, which may state that you cannot construct a building of a specific size, for a given purpose, or any number of other reasons.

Do zoning regulations contribute to the housing crisis?

Low-density residential zoning laws have exacerbated the housing issue in locations with restricted growth prospects.

Formerly small communities that have grown in population, such as Palo Alto, Calif., are densely packed with low-density zones. 

If they maintain their low density, in the same way, their housing situation will increase. Locals in these low-density communities, on the other hand, normally fiercely oppose any efforts to develop more dense neighborhoods.

How is the zoning code enforced? 

Local authorities, not state or federal agencies, are in charge of enforcing zoning laws, often known as zoning regulations.

 However, Zoning ordinance violators may receive citations, fines, court appearances, or even jail time in severe circumstances.

Zoning District:

We refer zoning districts as areas inside the town limits that have standard rules and requirements governing use, lot size, building bulk, and premises.

Zoning Examples and Classifications

Zoning classifications include the following:

Residential Zoning 

Single-family homes, suburban homesteads, and other structures such as houses, apartments, co-ops, and condos are all allowed under residential zoning.

 Residential zoning regulations specify how many building structures permitted on a piece of land. Also, if a renter can position a mobile home there.

  In a residential area, it is usual to disallow keeping of farm animals.

Commercial Zoning

Commercial zoning divides into several categories based on how the firm intends to use the property and the number of consumers it expects to serve.

 Apart from single-family lots and houses, most real estate properties are classified as commercial zones. 

Shopping centers, hotels, specialized types of warehouses, office buildings, nightclubs, and unoccupied property used for various types of companies are all examples of commercial districts.

Industrial Zoning

Industrial zoning regulations primarily apply to firms in the light, medium, and heavy sectors, which require structures such as factories, manufacturing facilities, research institutes, and waste processing.

Agricultural Zoning

Agricultural zoning permits cultivation, the installation of silos, and the construction of structures to shelter animals and vehicles.

 The density of land development will be minimal. This is because, farms kept for pasture and crop cultivation make up the majority of the area.

Mixed  Zoning

A variety of zoning types allow mixed use. As a result, merged zones form a kind of combination zone. Many combination zones are unique to the community that has adopted the specific class. 

Open Space Zoning 

Open space zoning is typically incorporated into a community’s zoning legislation to protect undeveloped areas. Parks, playgrounds, and vacant lots are examples of open space zones.

Historic Zoning

A zoning overlay known as historic zoning is added to the basic zoning of a particular plot of land. Other than restorations that fall under the historical plan, regulations in historic zones often forbid changes to the original buildings.

What is a Zoning Code?

A zoning code is a set of rules that govern use of land in specified geographic zones. Zoning rules specify whether specific geographic zones are appropriate for residential or commercial use.

Three factors typically determine these zones

  1. The use or activity occurring on the land or in structures there
  1. Its layout of buildings, including their height and placement with respect to the nearby public right-of-way
  1. Lot size, the structure’s large quantities or size, and its orientation on the property 

What is a zone variance?

A zone variance, granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals, relieves landowners who would experience undue hardships if they used their property in complete accordance with the zoning ordinance.

 It is a specific relaxation of requirements rather than a change in zoning legislation.

 A zone variance avails land developers if some unusual property attributes distinguish it from adjacent properties, preventing the land developer from enjoying the same use of their property as adjacent property owners.

Rezoning: How to Change a Zoning Code of Land 

It is changing a land’s use classification to a different classification with restrictions allowing the applicant’s desired use.

Rezoning arises if the current use classification no longer meets the following objectives:

  • It safeguards all properties against the possibly detrimental repercussions of adjacent, conflicting usage.
  • By allowing the most suitable land uses and reducing the potentially detrimental effects of neighboring uses, it preserves the value of properties.
  • It regulates the presence and detrimental effects of nuisance-like uses.
  • In terms of transportation, water, and sewage, it offers sufficient public services.

The procedure for rezoning will differ depending on the municipality. Typically, a municipality’s planning commission will review proposed modifications and determine whether they are in the best interests of the community.

 The planning commission gathers relevant information and organizes public hearings to allow people in the community who may be affected to explain.

The governing body will consider all relevant evidence and testimony before deciding whether or not to approve the change.

Rezoning Fees

To begin the rezoning process, the applicant pays an application cost. This charge varies depending on the municipality where the rezoning is requested.

 While application costs are required, approval of the rezoning proposal is not guaranteed.

Reasons for applying for rezoning

Officials will want to know the specific basis for a proposed change in a property’s zoning assignment.

 In an attempt to rezone property, the stated cause can have a considerable impact, as regulators consider both the current state of the region and future plans.

Impact on Surrounding Land

The influence of any rezoning plans on the surrounding area is always taken into account. The rezoning application is likely to be denied if the proposed rezoning could harm surrounding properties or create safety issues.

What are the advantages of zoning?

When done correctly, zoning helps communities flourish in a sustainable manner for future generations.

 Cities may build sustainably by reserving land near schools, airports, and hospitals for future growth.

What are the disadvantages of zoning?

Traditional applications of zoning ordinances geographically separate residential neighborhoods from where people work, shop, and play, making residents dependent on cars.

 Especially, those who would like to move away from the high economic and environmental costs of transportation advocate for integrated, walkable neighborhoods with less strict zoning ordinances.

Summary of zoning codes:

Lastly, Zoning codes are there to assist cities in preserving their identity as they expand.

Cities will need to modify various residential rules to allow for higher-density housing as the population grows worldwide, especially in metropolitan areas.

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