Class X Felony, Illinois: What You Need to Know

In Illinois, the seriousness of the crime dictates its classification, with a Class X felony being the most serious of all. These crimes carry the worst punishments, which can have a lifetime impact on the criminal and include heavy fines and lengthy prison terms.

I’ll explain the complexities of Class X felonies in this post and assist you in comprehending the possible repercussions of being charged with one of these crimes.

What Is a Class X Felony?

In Illinois, a Class X felony is a serious criminal act that carries a required sentence of six to thirty years in prison. These are serious crimes that involve many different charges, such as first-degree murder, predatory criminal sexual assault of a minor, and armed robbery. This category can also include offenses, including the intent to administer a controlled substance while in possession of it.

Penalties for Class X Felonies:

A conviction for a Class X felony can have serious consequences, such as:

# Long jail terms: People convicted of Class X felonies face terms ranging from six to thirty years in prison.
Penalties for convicted offenders can be steep, with fines reaching $25,000.
Probation is not an option for felonies classified as Class X, which means the offender is required to serve their whole prison sentence.
# Eligibility for parole: After serving 85% of their sentence, offenders with convictions may be eligible for parole.

Illinois’s Class X Felony Crimes

Illinois courts almost always classify certain criminal offenses—including serious crimes—as Class X felonies. The following list includes a few of the most typical examples:

Drug Crimes:

Class X felonies are the most serious drug-related offenses in Illinois. In Illinois, some of the most frequent Class X felonies involving drugs are as follows:

  • Possession of 15 grams or more of cocaine with the intent to manufacture or deliver
  • Intention to Manufacture or Deliver Cannabis in Possession (above 5000 grams)
  • taking part in the production of methamphetamine or a methamphetamine-containing material (15 grams or more)
  • Participating in a criminal drug conspiracy with a street gang

Offenses Relating to Child Pornography

Class X felonies about child pornography typically involve moving images (movies, videos, etc.) of children doing sexual actions. A lifetime registration on the Illinois Sex Offender Registry is also necessary, in addition to mandated fines and jail terms.

Anticipated Criminal Sex Assault:

When someone who is 17 years of age or older engages in sexual activity with a victim who is 12 years of age or younger, it is considered predatory criminal sexual assault in the State of Illinois. For sexual enjoyment, sexual contact is defined as the interaction between one person’s sex organs or anus and any other person’s bodily part.

Conviction for the Second Crime of Sexual Assault:

Criminal Sexual Assault is the legal name for rape in Illinois. However, it is committed when someone penetrates another person sexually while using force, threatening to use force, or knowing that the victim cannot give consent. For a Class X felony, there must be a second conviction for the same offense.

Armed Robbery:

When someone carries a dangerous weapon, such as a firearm, or fires one, they are committing an armed robbery. This includes stealing property (apart from a car) from another person or their presence by force or threatening to use force.

Techniques for Fighting Class X Felony Charges:

While defending against Class X felony charges can be difficult, it is not impossible, and hiring a skilled criminal defense lawyer is essential to putting together a solid defense. Various tactics are available to defend against accusations of Class X felonies.

We at FKMA Law have the expertise to establish the defendant’s innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Evidence gathered unlawfully or without a warrant may not be admitted in court if it is deemed insufficient.

Additionally, we can defend your actions and work to get the charges dropped if you acted in self-defense or under the protection of another person. Nevertheless, every case is different, and the viable defense tactics rely on the case’s particulars. You can choose the best defense strategy for your case with the assistance of a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer.

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