Does Phentermine Show Up On A Drug Test?

Does Phentermine show up in a drug test

Drug testing is now a requirement for employment in many governments and private sectors, including healthcare, sports, schools and universities, and so on. Phentermine is an amphetamine-like stimulant used to decrease hunger. The FDA initially approved it for use in the short-term control of obesity in 1959. Because phentermine is chemically similar to AMP and amphetamine in many respects, you can be tested for AMP prior to your pre-employment drug test. If tested for, phentermine can show up in a urine drug test. Furthermore, phentermine, which is related to amphetamine, has been linked to false-positive methamphetamine testing.

Does Phentermine Show Up On A Drug Test?

Phentermine has a molecular structure similar to amphetamine and can show up on an amphetamine-screening drug test. The most common method for screening illicit substances in occupational drug testing is a urine drug test. A normal urinalysis looks for MMJ, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), cocaine, and amphetamines.

According to the pharmacokinetic profile of phentermine, it can stay in your system for nearly 5 days because the drug’s half-life is relatively long, around 19-24 hours.

When it comes to drug testing, most institutes allow you to supply a list of prescription prescriptions when a drug screen comes back positive, therefore if you can provide a prescription for phentermine, they will likely report back to whoever ordered the drug screen that you are clean.

Information on Phentermine

Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that is used to treat obesity. Because this is a prohibited substance, it can only be bought in the United States with a prescription. This medicine is normally dosed 1-2 times per day because it has a long duration of effect in the body (approximately 8-14 hours) and a single dose can linger in the body for up to 100 hours.

Drug Testing for Phentermine

Amphetamines will be tested for on the majority of five-panel drug screening tests. When a patient tests positive for a substance, most drug testing facilities will allow the patient to supply a list of prescription prescriptions, as a variety of prescription medications (including phentermine) can induce a false positive.

When a prescription for a medication is provided, the drug test is usually amended to show that there is no positive result when reporting to the party that ordered the test.

Based on the time frame you supplied (2 days), phentermine will most likely take longer to exit your system and you will most likely be drug positive for some form of amphetamine (e.g. methamphetamine). It may be a good idea to plan ahead of time how you will furnish the drug screening facility with a list of your prescription prescriptions so that they can properly evaluate your drug test.

How Does Phentermine Show Up on a Drug Test?

Phentermine might show a false positive for amphetamine on a drug test. This is due to the fact that, despite their differences, phentermine and amphetamine share a similar molecular structure. If you can show your employer that you have been given phentermine, a positive amphetamine test should be considered a false positive.

Can I lose my job because I use phentermine?

Although not illegal, phentermine is a restricted substance. This implies it should only be used with a prescription. If you use phentermine without a prescription, your employer may regard this as illegal drug use. This may lead to disciplinary action.

Will phentermine show up in a urinalysis?

If you have taken phentermine, a drug-screening urinalysis may show a false-positive result for amphetamine. This is because the two medications have chemical similarities. However, if you can show that you were prescribed phentermine by a doctor, the drug test result should be ruled a false positive.

How can I pass a phentermine urine drug test?

Taking phentermine may result in a false-positive urine drug test for amphetamine usage. As a result, if you take phentermine, you should present your employer with a copy of your prescription before taking the drug test. This demonstrates that you are taking a controlled substance as prescribed, eliminating the need for an explanation of the test returns a positive result.

Can a drug testing lab distinguish between Adderall and phentermine?

No, not a drug testing facility. Because that does not exist. A quick drug test may not be able to discern the difference. On a fast test, they could both show up as amphetamines. Or phentermine might not even show. Depending on how much you’ve taken, how frequently, your body type, age, metabolism, level of dilution, and the cutoff level of the screen, among other things, phentermine will test negative about 55% of the time.

An immunoassay in the lab could produce similar results as described above. If there is a positive result on the initial screen, Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) can and will be able to identify, i.e. “tell the difference” between Adderall and Phentermine on a confirmation test. The lab will know if you took one or the other, or both, and how much you took.

Federal Drug Testing Regulations

Employers typically implement drug and alcohol-free workplace initiatives to reduce hazards and deterrence while also improving productivity and benefits for both employees and employers.

Though most companies are not required to have a specific drug testing program on a national level, several states have formed their own set of rules and regulations to ensure a drug and alcohol-free work environment in both the public and private sectors. A basic 5-panel drug test is recommended by federal legislation for screening employees and candidates.

When an employee or job candidate fails a drug test, the employer must take appropriate action. Companies or employers are required to deal with situations of positive results in a consistent manner, and appropriate time must be allowed to contest the results before any disciplinary action is taken.

Despite the fact that drug testing methods are constantly refined to reduce false positives, such results are nevertheless conceivable. If a false positive happens, you can consult with your employer to assess your alternatives. It should also be mentioned that if you want to appeal a positive test result, the process may differ depending on the state or company where it works.

Read Also: Court Ordered Drug Test: Procedures For DUI & Child Custody Cases

How to Challenge a False Positive Drug Test While on Probation

If an employee or potential hire disputes a false-positive test result, their right to appeal varies by state.

Union workplaces also assist employees in registering grievances. In certain cases, companies provide another opportunity to perform a repeat test utilizing a portion of the original sample acquired during the initial visit. (In general, initial samples taken will be separated into two pieces for retesting in the event of an incorrect result.)

However, in rare situations, the individual may be required to pay for the second test process themself.

Whether you are on probation or not, these four strategies will assist you in disputing a false positive drug test. A trade secret in the drug testing industry is to question the sample’s integrity. This is especially true for drug tests using nails, hair, or saliva.

#1. Request a repeat test as soon as feasible.

When a drug test result is incorrect, it can be a stressful scenario. Calm down and bring it to the attention of the person who requested the test. Explain that you believe the result is a false positive and would prefer to repeat the test to confirm it. If your employer is hesitant, explain that you are willing to pay for the test yourself.

#2. Identify the substances you have been taking that may have contributed to the erroneous results.

If you were taking any over-the-counter cold meds, sleeping pills, allergy medications, antidepressants, NSAIDs, pain relievers, or other prescriptions, inform your employer and persuade them that you need a second chance to prove that you have not taken any drugs that have been tested for. Because commonplace drugs might create false-positive results, the lab will conduct more complex tests to confirm the fact.

#3. Request a more advanced testing approach for verification.

You can request that advanced testing methods be used to assess distinct compounds independently, which may result in a false positive. Most labs use the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) test and the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) test for confirmation.

The GC-MS test is exceedingly sensitive and accurate, but it is time-consuming, expensive, and requires highly competent professionals with extensive knowledge. If you pay for the test, it might cost you more than $300.

#4. Seek help from your union or a private attorney.

If all of your attempts to acquire a retest failed, you can speak with your union leader if you are a member. They will help you file a grievance on your behalf. You can also seek the help of a private attorney, who may be able to guide you through the procedure.

Filing a grievance or legal challenge as soon as possible should be done so that any actions taken against you as a result of the test result can be delayed.

It should be mentioned that engaging an attorney is not cheap. Before going, it is preferable to learn about their payment methods and possibilities.

How Can We Avoid False Positives?

The ingestion of several commonplace substances can result in false positives. This is despite the fact that the US government has raised the detection levels for most narcotics. You can avoid such scenarios by doing a few things before or on the day of the drug test.

#1. Do not eat poppy seeds.

You should avoid eating foods containing poppy seeds, such as pastries, bagels, and muffins, for at least 12 to 24 hours before taking the test. Despite the higher threshold, eating a lot of poppy seeds can cause a false positive for OPI. Some labs may still be following the old threshold values.

If you are randomly selected for a drug test, notify the person in charge at the collection site if you consumed anything containing poppy seeds.

#2. Avoid those who consume pot or secondhand smoke.

Despite research confirming that being around pot smokers does not result in a positive THC test result, it is best to avoid weed smokers and passive inhalation of weed smoke. It is best to avoid such situations for at least 24 hours before taking your drug test.

Weed is still illegal on the federal level, despite the fact that certain states have authorized recreational marijuana use.

#3. Obtain pharmaceutical prescriptions from your doctor.

Drug tests are commonly used to detect evidence of illegal substances. Some prescription medications have the potential to imitate illicit substances; therefore, if you are taking any prescription medications under the supervision of a healthcare provider, you should get and retain a record of those prescriptions.

You can reveal your medicines to avoid false positives. You should also see your doctor see whether any of the prescription medications you are taking could interfere with the drug test. If so, make it known before taking the drug test. It would aid the lab technician in distinguishing between prescription prescriptions and illegal narcotics.

Re-testing and Testing

Drug testing laboratories re-test positive samples to eliminate the potential of a false positive. To confirm the positive result, they apply advanced and more sensitive testing technologies (GC-MS and HPLC).

These testing technologies produce incredibly exact results and can distinguish between target compounds and molecules that imitate illicit substances.


Drug tests for employment have grown quite frequent, and they are used to dissuade employees from using illegal drugs and alcohol, as well as screen potential new hires. This initiative promotes a safe working environment and reduces liability. If you are concerned about whether phentermine will show up on your drug test, another option is to take a phentermine replacement such as Phen Caps instead of phentermine. Because Phen Caps do not include components that are similar to amphetamine, they will not show up on a drug test, allowing you to benefit from the appetite-suppressing effects and energy boost without fear of passing an employment drug test.

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