The age of consent is the legal standard that determines a person’s legal competence to consent to sexual conduct. Any sexual activity with a minor is illegal (particularly statutory rape) since it is believed that a person below the consenting age is incapable of giving their consent. Michigan’s legal consent Continue Reading
Franks Hearing: Grounds for a Franks Hearing
A Franks hearing is a court case in which an attempt is made to circumvent a search order. When you violate a warrant, you are contesting the veracity of the evidence used to obtain it. A Franks move is the formal document that you submit to the judge outlining your Continue Reading
Uttering And Publishing
The uttering and publishing crime in Michigan might be complicated. The crime involves precise instances of speech or writing, but its name implies that these activities are involved. “Uttering and publishing” is a crime that involves fabricating or falsifying significant papers to present them as authentic. In Michigan, the act Continue Reading